Monday, May 18, 2020


Soon, we'll get to go to restaurants and have meals with other people, I assume.  I'm not sure how it will work if I have to be 6 feet away from the people I'm having dinner with, if they're not from my household?  I'm ready though.   This past week, my aunt commissioned my daughter to make some special art for her granddaughters and yesterday they came and met us in the driveway (at a safe distance) to pick it up.  On the way, they picked up another cousin and her daughter and granddaughter, so we got to see 5 people!!    It was great.  We stood in the driveway and talked for an hour.  I miss that kind of thing so much.   

I hope you all are doing well.  If you need a pick me  up, go watch all the episodes of John Krasinski's SOME GOOD NEWS on Youtube.  It's fantastic.    Get the tissues handy because there might be happy tears. 

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