Thursday, May 07, 2020

Gearing Back Up.

At work, we're starting now to do outpatient procedures, so maybe, our workload will pick up.  I've been sorting and organizing and alphabetizing and cleaning things.  It's been crazy not-busy most days.  Monday is usually an exception, pretty busy.  Come what may, I'm going in 2 hours earlier today and working for 6 hours, not 4.   I'm not really very happy about it, because I have a UTI and feel like crap.  But that's life, right.  That's just how it works.   I'm hopeful that my husband and young adults will be able to leave the house soon or at least have people over.   It's been a crazy, crazy time.  Really, when you think about it, it's not that bad.   We just have to stay home more than usual and take more precautions when we do go out. 

Here are some pictures from home.
Cosmo turning his head to the side when you say "food?".  

Everything is getting so green and beautiful.  This is from the bottom of our driveway.   

My view from inside my car the other day.  Zelda did not want to get off of my car so I could go to work.  

A different, funnier view of Cosmo.  

A piece of art I made during drive in church the other day.

The masks my daughter made and donated to the nonprofit hospital system I work for.  They sent her a very nice thank you letter.    Some people out there are wearing some very fashionable masks.  :-)  

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