Saturday, April 18, 2020


I'm ready for the quarantining to be over.  It's crazy in my case because I have all that I need, I'm getting out to go to work 5 days a week, only working half days and getting paid for full days (of course, doing my co-workers job and not my own) so I should not be complaining, but I'm worried about everyone else.  We need to get the economy going again.  People need jobs.   My oldest son has been laid off from both his jobs.  My youngest son can't go back to his job as he had planned to do in April and hasn't been able to find anything else.   Our library is closed!  Restaurants!  Church!  I miss community.

Also, I think from what I've read we've flattened the curve and now our healthcare organizations are going to be able to handle the influx.   The number of patients at the healhcare organization I work at have been dropping.   We can still stay 6 feet apart and take precautions, but I think maybe we're ready for stage 1 of the reopening. 

But what do I know?

Signs of the times, I went to an 80th birthday parade yesterday, instead of a party.  It was fun.  And when I got home, we had new shutters! 

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