Monday, April 27, 2020

Hanging in Here.

It's not too bad, working shorter days, getting to be home more.  I have this overwhelming feeling that I should be accomplishing something really great with all the free time and this conflicts with my need to study for my coding class and my need to play the Sims4.  We've done some things to intentionally try and enjoy the time.  I'm sure in the future when my kids have moved out for good, that I will wish to repeat some of these days.   I'm trying to get outside every day, do some house chores every day,  do some studying every day and try to watch things on TV/Youtube that are uplifting and fun.  Last night, my daughter and I watched 13 Going on 30.  That's a really fun movie and it put me in a good mood for Monday.   Hopefully, work will go well.  I'm doing my co-workers job all the time now, but I do have hope that that will end maybe in a few weeks to a month.  We'll see, I guess.  I keep trying to predict the future all the time and, my daughter told me last night, I really need to just live in the present.   Wise words.   Our state is lifting some restrictions on medical procedures today and so things might pick back up and get back to normal soon.  I have hope, at least.  Anyway, here are some pictures from our current quarantine life.

Mr. Miller being cute.  

A squirrel visiting the 4th floor of the parking garage at work.

My daughter cleaned out her closet and dug out this piece of memorabilia.  This reminds me so much of my parents, who had a lot of fun collecting the quarters from every state for my kids.

Cosmo killed his toy and my daughter made this chalk outline and police tape photo of it.  So funny!  
Freckles got a new bed.  It has cats on it, but I don't think she cares. 

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