Sunday, October 06, 2019

The Zombie-Like State.

I'm still working all the time and the end, which was in sight, may have moved, so I may not be getting any time off in the near future.  I'm frustrated by it, but I don't know what to do about it.  I haven't gotten any work done on my book about kids and homeschooling and I haven't been able to do any pre-studying for my coding class that starts on November 1.  I'm just working and coming home and being sort of in a zombie like state.  It's so much fun.

Speaking of fun, this time, not sarcastically, my brother is getting married on Friday!  We're all excited.   We've been shopping and getting our outfits ready to go and I think we mostly have everything.  I need to contact the pianist today and see if she can get together with me to practice.  I'm singing the recessional.   It's going to be fun.  I'm so happy for my brother and his future wife!
I've been decorating my notebook at work, with my work pens and highlighters.   

Nothing much has changed around here.  We're kind of in a holding pattern it seems like.  Youngest son hasn't found a job, daughter is still studying coding and doing a good job disciplining herself to study. I'm proud of her.   It doesn't make for an exciting blog post though.    They are still playing D&D and board games with their friends several nights a week, shattering the myth that homeschoolers don't have any friends. 

It's silly, but it helps me get through the day to take tiny little drawing breaks.
Fall seems to have arrived here at last with temperatures dropping this week from 98 into the 60s.  It's glorious.  I love it.  I am going to make some coffee and sit outside on my porch and drink it. I'm just trying to savor my off day today.  I desperately need the break.   I won't have another one until Tuesday after next and that is IF my co-worker's medical tests come back good and she's back to work.  It's very iffy.  Please pray for her if you're a praying person.

I feel spend a lot of time these days in the car, but sometimes the sky is really pretty in the early, early morning.  My phone doesn't take good pictures though.  

Still, here are a couple.  

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