Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Wedding.

My brother's wedding was such a wonderful time!  The groom was handsome, the bride was beautiful, her/their grandchildren made the cutest ring bearer and flower girl.  :-)   We had such a great time and she is such a fabulous addition to our family.  The song I had to sing went well, even though I had a cold.  Actually 3 of the members of my family in attendance had colds and the other 3 will probably have it next week because my youngest 2 kids went and babysat their 4 young cousins last weekend and picked up some virus.  We didn't let it ruin our time.  We took cold medicine and carried around hand sanitizer and celebrated big!

Today, though, after church, I'm going to lie about doing nothing and get some rest.  Tomorrow I have to be at work at 6:00 a.m. and it's an hour and 10 minute drive.  So that's great.

The wonderful whirlwind weekend of celebrating and having my son and daughter-in-law here is over and now we're prepping to get back into real life starting tomorrow.  It's kind of a let down, but I have concert tickets for a couple of weeks from now, so I'll start looking forward to that.  And Christmas, which is just around the corner!!

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