Thursday, June 13, 2019


The girl and I set out for a fun day yesterday.   We went to Louisville, which is the nearest city to us, and tried out the new gluten free exclusive cafe.  Everything on the menu is gluten free which is a treat for us.  We tried a club sandwich and some kind of strawberry shortcake pudding dish.  The strawberry stuff was just okay, but the club sandwich was very, very good.  We enjoyed it immensely.
This is half of the sandwich.

The strawberry pudding dessert.

 Then we headed to our favorite gluten free bakery.  This is something we treat ourselves to every 2-3 months, and dream about the rest of the time.  We each got a gluten free big soft pretzel and a cupcake, both of which we had to bring home because we were so full, both of us, from our half of a club sandwich!  After that, we went to Hobby Lobby to look at art supplies and they had canvases 50% off, so we each got a small one and started working on masterpieces last night. Hers is probably going to be, mine not so much, but its still fun trying.  I get frustrated with myself when my I try so hard and my work looks primitive and childlike.  Still, I persist because I enjoy the process.
It still needs something, but I don't know what that is.

Fun times.

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