Saturday, June 22, 2019

Back to Work.

I've been back to work 2 days now and though it makes my knee hurt to walk in and out of the building, it's good for me to get out and talk to other people.  I got really tired of being home and it was not good for me.  When I was unemployed and being a housewife, I had goals and plans and lists and I got things done, but this time recovering from surgery, I goofed off a lot more because I was, well, recovering from surgery and it was hard to walk and all that.  Anyway, it's nice to get back to my normal-ish life.

I did get some things done, like Mr. Miller, the stray cat, got neutered and given a rabies shot and treated for ear mites.  I think he'll be looking fat, healthy and happy like the rest of our cats soon.  

Case in point, ever photogenic Duncan.   He has been hovering around while the other one has not been feeling well, "helping".  

How cute is he?
This is what the weather has been like EVERY DAY for as long as I can remember.  Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little.  But it's been very stormy and I am tired of it.

I've been doing a homeless single parent Sims 4 challenge - speaking of goofing off.

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