Friday, May 31, 2019

This week.

I guess its week 7 since the surgery.  I'm not getting around all that well, still have quite a bit of pain, but I'm going back to work (probably) in 2 weeks.  I'm also interviewing for a job that I impulsively applied for next week! sent me an email alert about this job even though I tried to unsub from their email alerts when I got my current job.  The job just looked so good in the ad, I applied for it on the spot and they called 1/2 an hour to an hour later.  I had a phone interview and next week, I'm going to have an actual interview.  It may be a good thing, I don't know.  That's what I need to find out at the interview.  It's certainly a shorter commute, 20 minutes, instead of an hour, and probably not as much walking to my workstation.  We'll see.  At home this week, we're planning to have a party tomorrow for my son's college graduation.  We fixed our deck which had rotted and now we have a nice new deck and as of yesterday, a nice new picnic table on it.  In the picture below, Duncan has already broken it in for us by sleeping on it, right in the middle.  I had my breakfast out there this morning, very nice.  I enjoyed it.  It's nice to have another place outside to sit, a different view from the front porch.  The pictures of the two tortoises/turtles (whichever they are) are because during construction, these 2 were found living under the old deck.  I don't know if they've moved back in or not.  They were last seen heading for the hills because of the noisy construction.  Hopefully, they are home now, in their little adjoining apartments.  All of these are backyard pics as I have been spending a lot of time out there this week.  It's been nice.  We've been upset as 2 of our dear friends have had a major falling-out with each other and we wonder if they'll ever reconcile.  It's been heartbreaking but there's nothing we can do.  :-/   Having the deck and the party to distract us has been good.  I guess.  If you pray, please join me in praying that these two dear people will find a way to reconcile.  

I'd better get busy, the party is tomorrow!  


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