Thursday, May 23, 2019

It's been 6 weeks.

I'm surviving.  I've gotten more back into normal life, sleeping in my bed, doing the dishes, working on projects, etc.   I still can't drive, so I'm kind of at the boring part of my recovery.  I do have a lunch out with my girlfriends tomorrow, thank goodness.  I need to talk to them about a lot of things.

We had a turkey in our yard yesterday.  I can't really go anywhere, so I guess God is bringing the entertainment to me, LoL. 

I'm working on a book about childhood and so now I'm trying to fight the self discipline battle to make myself work on the book instead of playing the Sims, watching Youtube or playing Words With Friends.  As always, it is a struggle, but I have been working on it pretty steadily the last few days.   :-)
Kind of an artsy shot my daughter took of the full moon last weekend.

In other news, youngest son did graduate from college!  We're having a graduation party for him here at our house, so for the next week or so, we need to work on cleaning the house and repairing the deck so we can have a cookout.  It's exciting!  Our second homeschool graduate who is now a college graduate!

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