Saturday, November 03, 2018

Welcome to November!

Can't believe it's already here and I'm already seeing black Friday ads.   I finished my 6 weeks of full-time work and now we will see, I might get a couple of weeks of just working 2 days.  Maybe.  One of my co-workers broke her leg and might need surgery so I may be there nonstop until Christmas.  If that is the case, I don't know how we are going to get the rest of the remodeling done.  :-(   I'm not happy about that, but I guess I'll live.

The kids are working at maintaining their connections with friends now that the game store they always went to has closed.  They are seeing some people tonight.  I am happy about that.  Friendships are so important.  My husband and I need to get out and see friends more often.   We are still having our board game group at a restaurant and it's working out okay.  We only had about 8 last week, but that's plenty to play the games we have.  In fact, it's a challenge to find games that will accommodate our large group which sometimes gets as high as 13 people crammed into 1 large booth and playing the same game.  They never want to separate and sit at different tables and play separate games.  They want to play together  It's kind of cute.  So a couple of weeks ago, we got the game Bang the dice game, which has been really popular with them, but we needed a few extra cards.  So, we had some blank cards that we had gotten for something else and not used and my daughter drew some extra cards.

Speaking of artsy things, one of my contacts at work has a family business where my daughter may be able to sell some of her art, knitting, crocheting, etc.  It would be a good opportunity, kind of like a consignment situation.  She wouldn't have to pay for booth space or work in the store at all, just let them take a commission off the top of the sales.  Knowing my co-worker, they will be fair.  I think it sounds great.  My daughter is also pursuing another job where she can use her art skills designing things at home and I think that will be great for her.

Starting to look forward to the holidays!   We have to plan something to do for Christmas eve because I think it will just be the 4 of us.   My oldest and his wife won't be here until after Christmas.

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