Tuesday, November 06, 2018

A tiny update.

Life goes on.  The kids are coping with the store closing and getting together with friends for the most part.  One of the groups may not reform and one of them may lose a member, but it's fine.  I'm finally done with my 6 weeks of full time work and I don't know what hours I'm going to be working ongoing.  My boss wants to talk to me about that on Friday.  For now, I'm just going to try not to think about it and enjoy my 3 days off in a row!!!!!  Here are some pics from this week.
A drawing my daughter did with chalk pastels on suede.

It's hard to get a good picture of Cosmo, but this one is very good, getting those big brown eyes in focus.  My daughter-in-law has a theory that he's a person trapped in a dogs body because his eyes look so human. 
The prettiest little tree at the end of our driveway.
Enjoying my commute a bit more while the fall colors are blazing.  It seemed like it happened late this year and now that it rained all night last night it's probably over, but it was beautiful while it lasted.

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