Thursday, January 11, 2018

January. Blah.

January, not my favorite month.  The weather is weird.  Reality starts to hit after the holidays.  It's gloomy looking outside. We still haven't got the Christmas tree down or indeed, finished celebrating Christmas.  We'll be having one of our Christmas dinners on Martin Luther King day.  We might ought to plan it that way every year, at least it gives us something to look forward to in the middle of the January blahs. 

I feel really fat from the holidays and my crazy consumption of white chocolate peppermint Hershey's kisses.  Those things are my kryptonite.  The time to diet is here and I'm not really doing it, although I have been eating my leafy greens and doing a little bit of the fasting.  I'm hoping that the discipline will come with that, like it did last year.  I built up to it and then was successful at it for most of the year, only falling off the bandwagon in September. 

This time of year I just feel like sighing every little while.


And they're predicting snow tomorrow which normally I'd be really excited about, but since I have an hour commute tomorrow, I'm not. 


On a more upbeat note, youngest son is back to school He's having a good time, back in chorus with his chorus friends and talking to people, speaking out in class.  He's going to join some clubs and groups this semester, hopefully.   The financial aid didn't completely cover his expenses this semester and so we had to cough up for that. 


It's January.


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