Monday, January 15, 2018

Goodbye Christmas 2017

We finally had our last Christmas party this weekend.  The weather was not great.  We had a snow/ice event on Friday and the temperature was in the teens, but hey, it was a white Christmas at last.  :-)   We were planning on doing it today, Monday, Martin Luther King day because some people had the day off, but then 2 of them got mandatory overtime and we made a last minute switch and did it on Saturday.   I couldn't make all the food I wanted to make because I couldn't go to the grocery, but we had enough and it was good.   It was the first time we gathered with my son and daughter-in-law in their home, which was cool.

My favorite 3 things from the evening were when the alfredo sauce got ruined and my daughter-in-law said she could make it again, but she didn't have any more heavy whipping cream and my sister-in-law-to-be said: "Oh, we have some in the car."  What are the odds?

Then we played Saboteur which is my current favorite of all the board games we have.

Then when we got home, youngest son had started getting a virus (not the flu, we don't think) and was feeling kind of pitiful and didn't feel like gathering up his stuff, so he said to his sister, "would you get my ear buds?"  and she said "where are they?" and he said "under Mom's butt".   LoL.  I don't know why he didn't ask me to get them.

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