Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Crazy week.

It's already been a crazy week around here and what is it, Tuesday?  Yesterday was the eclipse of course and my son and his wife had their puppy scheduled for his neutering surgery and had planned to have a nice day, getting groceries, doing a bit of shopping and eclipse viewing, then picking up their puppy and going home to cocoon for a few days while he recuperated before they have to go back to work.  This did not go as planned though, to say the least.  Their car broke down and they had to call us to come get them and roadside assistance to come and get their car and take it to a repair place.  My husband went and got them and took them home.  They picked up their truck and headed out again, only to call us again, saying that this time their truck had broken down.  I went to get them and got there just about the time that the eclipse reached its peak.  They called the insurance company for roadside assistance yet again.  To make a long story short, we were back and forth to the vet, to another vet to get a different cone because the first one wouldn't fit, to the car dealer, to meet one wrecker, then the other and soon the whole day was gone.

 During the middle of the eclipse, when the light was all weird, I went to explain to some of the people on the street we were on what we were doing there, tripped over a piece of loose asphalt and fell and wow am I feeling it today.  I'm very sore.  Then today, when my youngest son was going to go to school, the car was out of gas and so he came back home.  He doesn't have a means to pay for gas right now.  He's waiting for his debit card to arrive from his new bank account.  So, he had to miss his first class due to "car trouble" because his sister didn't notify anyone nor get gas yesterday when she used the car.  Fortunately, it was the aforementioned algebra in which he already knows all of the material being covered.   Today we have board games and have to pick up one of the kids in the group and also have to go get my son and his wife and take them to the car dealership again.


None of my eclipse pictures were anything but blurs of light.

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