Thursday, August 24, 2017

College Week Two.

We had a horrible cold pass through the house this past week.  I assume my daughter brought it home from work, as she works with young children.  She had it first.  Then my son and daughter-in-law got it.  None of them had a horrible time with it, but then youngest son got it and he had a high fever and felt awful.  The fever broke on Tuesday when he was in class, doing a scavenger hunt all over the campus, out in the hot sun.  Despite this, he's had a pretty good second week, I think.  He's been keeping up with his homework.  He has to ask my daughter and me to act as scribes for some of the work.  He has explained to at least one of his professors that he can't write and has a disability and will need to use a scribe.  Another concern that he has, regarding his disabilities (ADHD, dysgraphia) is that he has a hard time showing his work in math.  He does the algebra equations in his head and gets the right answer, but sometimes is not sure how to show it.  I think he should talk to the accessibility director about this but he thinks he wants to try harder to show the math.  He will have extra time on exams and this is what he wants to use it work.  I disagree, but I will leave it up to him.
He's not going to do work study right now as he's really trying hard to keep his head above water with all the homework, trying to learn to manage his time.  I think that's probably the best decision.  He plans to start working in January if possible.

I also talked to him about his major and he's changed his mind again about that, I think.  He thinks that he'll be bored with a construction major and may go into business or real estate.  His eventual goal is to own and manage rental properties and have passive income so that he can pursue his interests, so either one of those would help him in that goal.  We'll see what he does.  Next semester is when he needs to decide something because for some of the options, he'll be done with general ed after this one semester.

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