Friday, December 16, 2016

Getting ready for Christmas.

We've got board games group today, which I like, so I'm glad we're doing it.  My daughter's school where she works is involved in getting ready for their Christmas program so she's going to go and help them rehearse this morning and then go to board games and then back to work for her regular shift and then she'll have half an hour until the Christmas program starts, so it's a super long busy day for her.  She's doing so well with this job, thriving in it and it's so nice to see.  :-)   Youngest son is enjoying his year off from doing school and trying to get some creative projects done and also trying to decide what to do about college.  He was accepted into University of the Cumberlands and got his acceptance letter this week, but now does not want to fill out the scholarship applications because they ask for personal narratives.  :-(  I'm not sure how we're going to get around that.  He may end up at community college because of it and really, that's fine.  It wasn't me that wanted him to go away to school in the first place, it was him.  I've done a little work for a transcription company this week.  The pay is abysmal but the work is not bad, I guess.  I am still looking for a job.  I'm not looking very forward to Christmas this year, since my mom has gone to heaven and my oldest son is not coming home, so I'm feeling kind of like this guy.
 So, anyway.  Here are some pictures from this week.
Crocheted Pokemon for one of the kid's friends.

This picture somehow got a weird, blurry picture of Cosmo's face also in it.  It's kind of freaky.  Really, he's cute.

Little ceramic tree that was my moms.

Porch post snowman that I got at the Christmas bazaar.

Rudolph door decor I got at last years' bazaar. 

Cat on the roof.  This is Zelda.  

Stockings are hung.

Freckles who is according to my kids, the canine version of me  - she's middle aged, chubby, sometimes crabby, not the most patient of people and has an underbite which is what I had braces for back in the day.  :-)

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