Saturday, December 10, 2016

Busy Week.

I'm amazed at how busy I've been keeping with no job, but of course, it's holiday season and I've been working on some things with my health.  Hopefully when I do get a job I'll be in good shape.  I've been saw a dietitian to help with weight loss and yesterday I saw a physical therapist to help with my knees.  I sprained my left knee really, really badly a long time ago and now that's come back to haunt me.  I am hopeful that I can get the muscles around it strengthened and so I will be able to avoid surgery.  I had surgery twice last fall and I really never want to do that again, if possible.  :-)

We're keeping busy with Christmas activities, doing things at church and with both of the 2 local homeschool groups we have been associated with over the years.  We had a Christmas party with the bigger of the 2 groups on Tuesday and there were 66 people there!  That's crazy that there are that many homeschoolers here but I think it's great.  As you know, I am largely in favor of homeschooling for most families.  :-)  The big kids group I was helping supervise played human foosball and board games while the little kids did Christmas crafts and watched Charlie Brown Christmas.  It was fun.   We'll be getting together with the other homeschool group next week.

We've been practicing for the Christmas cantata at church.  We love choral singing and it is very good for your health and its especially fun to sing Christmas music.  My daughter also got asked to help with the Christmas play so she's doing that.

We're still working 2 days a month at the little store where we sell our crafts.  We had to go up there yesterday and put our crafts back in --- we had taken some of them out for the Christmas bazaar.  Sales aren't fabulous this month, but we might make our table rent.  :-/   Nonetheless, my daughter enjoys doing it, so we are staying, I guess.  I whine about it every time we have to go and work.  :-P  We'll have to figure out how to work during Christmas break at the school she works at.

We have no idea when/if my oldest son and his fiancee (did you note how I slipped that in; they got ENGAGED!)  will be able to come up and visit for Christmas so we don't know when our Christmas celebration will be.   I'd be okay with going down and meeting them halfway but I am not sure how our money is holding out with all the Christmas shopping, so probably not.  

Speaking of Christmas shopping ... if you've been reading this blog for long, you know I whine and panic about it every year, but this year I haven't ;  I've just gotten it done.   I'm kind of excited about it.  

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