Monday, January 19, 2015

Thoughts on ADHD.

If you all have been reading my blog for any time at all, you know that my youngest wonderful son is delightful and hilarious and very fun and interesting, but you probably have also heard me talk or (read me write?) about his struggles with spelling and writing, the fact that he pretty much never sits still and is always fidgiting with something.  I have no doubt that if we hadn't pulled him out of public school (which ironically we initially started thinking about because of his older brother) we would have had conversations and arguments with the school powers that be about medicating him.  I hate to think that we would have medicated the wonder out of him.  As it is, he does his school with frequent breaks outside to pace, fidgiting as much as he needs to and he's going to be fine, completely unmedicated and free.   I'm so glad we homeschool.

Here's the article that got me thinking about this, this morning.
Our front yard.  Recess is whenever you want to go outside.  :-P

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