Saturday, January 17, 2015

Art journal page process. Kind of .

My tablet was not all that cooperative to add these pictures.  I don't know if it was a WIFI issue or what, but it did not want to give them up.  But here's the process for this particular page.  First, a few days ago I did some random background painting and I selected a prepainted page for the drawing.  Then I went to interest for inspiration.I drew, freehand, with a Sharpie (gasp!) some flowers while looking at the Pinterest picture, though mine is different.  Then I worked on coloring.  I like to use at least 5 colors per flower.  Then, I outlined in black thicker Sharpie, then wrote a bible verse on it and it was done.  I was going to go more with this post, but Blogger is also frustrating me at this point and I am starting to think, it might be me that is the problem.  :-P  


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