Sunday, October 05, 2014

Where did this week go?

We are just keeping busy around here.  I did go to see mom and the visit went well.  I think she's settling in a little bit there.  I'm not sure I should say that, lest it jinx it, but it seems so.  We were not able to make a decision fast enough to maybe move her to that other assisted living.  The room became available on Tuesday and was rented by Friday.  We will give it some thought in case in becomes available again and as always, keep observing her and make sure she's reasonably happy where she is.  Having to be responsible for making decisions like that is hard.

Around our house, we have the wonderful news that my son is going to bring his girlfriend home for Thanksgiving!  It's exciting!  I feel that I need to clean the house, starting now, but still have mom's house sitting there needing to be cleaned out so I guess I'll work on that first.  :-)  I am also going to try and perfect a roll recipe so that we have good rolls for dinner.  That's something we haven't been able to do yet.  I've been able to make sweet potato pie, cornbread dressing and gravy, but not the rolls.  We are very picky.

Another exciting thing is our local craft show, my art is going to be displayed and hopefully sold, by someone who has taken it on commission to sell and at the same time my daughter's knitted and crocheted goods are being sold down the street.  Exciting times for our handiwork too!  Also my friend is going to get to sell her beautiful handmade wreaths and I'm excited for her too.   We had a good day shopping yesterday and though I overslept, I woke up in a great mood.  I'm just going to go with that.

I also need to go to the grocery.  :-P

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