Monday, October 06, 2014

The way it goes sometimes.

Free Range Learning shared this this morning, on Facebook.
This is what most days look like to me, but today, it seems more than usual?  Maybe?  I got up planning to go to mom's house and clean and make some phone calls and then go see mom, but I remembered that my rule is kind of, clean mom's house on the days I don't go see her, since she's so far away now that even if I only stay a little while, with being on the road at least an hour each way, I am gone from the house for at least 3 hours.  :-(   So I decided to stay here at home until 2:00 and get some things done at my house.   Normally, on Monday I would do some cleaning of our house, but with my burned hand (second degree burn to right index finger last Monday), I felt that instead of doing the kind of cleaning that gets my hands wet and uses chemicals, I needed to do some desk work, reconciling my calendar, cleaning out my purse and things like that.  I did also do a bit of laundry and I will load the crock pot before I take off on my trip.  I've also been spending some time promoting my various online businesses and blogs, so that hopefully, some passive income will be rolling in just about time for Christmas.

Some days when I am off, I spend about half the day paralyzed, trying to decide what to do so today I am glad that I just did something.  I got several things checked off my list and I feel a little bit more in control of the coming weeks, since I have cleaned out my purse and reconciled all those little appointment cards with my master calendar.

Trying to keep up with everything is a bit much sometimes.  :-)  Working, homeschooling, several small businesses, my daughter's craft business (big sale coming up), Words with Friends, homemaking, taking care of mom ... in other words, LIFE.

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