Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Up and down, lots of stuff.

It's just kind of crazy here all the time, it seems like.  Yesterday was a pretty bad day and a pretty good day, all in one.  It started out bad.  I woke up in pain, in my side and in my head with a very bad headache.  I'm still newish at this company and I don't like to take off work so I took some Tylenol and worked anyway.  While trying to get my work done, I had seemingly endless problems with the internet and the computer system that my company provides for me to work on.  Also, during the morning, I was trying to make soup that my family had requested I make and realized that I had bought the wrong supplies, I spilled coffee on some important papers, a pen exploded on my hand and the toilet overflowed.  I persevered though and then after work and all of this other stuff, it was time to go get my mom and take her to the pain clinic.  I had to go get her, drive her to the pain clinic and then take her back, which took several hours.  I was gone from 2-8 p.m. Thankfully, the pain clinic was running on schedule so that was very helpful.  Mom was not in a good mood, was not happy with the situation, and was certainly not happy about going back to her assisted living.  It was a very, very, very emotionally difficult journey.  I came home drained and discouraged.

When I got home, there were cupcakes (gluten free ones from Whole Foods!) and my family had finished making the soup that I had started that morning.  Then I got a couple of messages from my friend whose sister runs an art gallery.  My friend had shown her sister some of my work and she said that her sister thought my art work was beautiful, wants to have more of it, wants to sell it in her gallery and instead of having a show of my work in November as she had already promised (due to her sister's recommendation, without seeing my art) she wants to do it now.  I'm excited.

So, you know, up, down, up, down.


Yesterday didn't start off exciting, just a regular work day, but then last night we went to a "reveal party" for my brother and sister in law's fourth baby.  We all found out at the same time that it was a boy when the cake we cut into was blue.  It was fun.  They already have 2 girls and 1 boy so this one will even things out.  Then we played some games, introducing the group to Mille Bornes  the classic car racing card game.  It was fun.  After a while I sat out because of uneven numbers and had even more fun playing Headbanz with my niece and nephew.

While we were there, my brother-in-law checked his phone and found that my son had changed his status on Facebook to "In a relationship."  Very exciting.  I can't wait to meet this young lady.  Unfortunately, she lives in Mississippi, so it will probably be a while.  :-)

Day off today ... will probably spend cleaning my mom's house, not fun, but at least I will have 2 new things to smile about while I'm doing it.

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