Friday, September 19, 2014

Resisting the urge to name every blog post "Hanging in there."

That is truly what I am doing.  Going to the pain clinic exhausted me the other day.  I'm working, my son is homeschooling himself with my daughter's help and I spent a lot of time yesterday cooking, doing laundry and dishes, art journaling, crocheting and generally trying to retreat and rejuvenate myself for a big effort today - I am finally going to see that other assisted living facility I have been saying I was going to go see for 3 weeks and I'm taking a friend with me for moral support.  Then, we are going to go to see mom.  I could use the moral support there too.  This weekend will probably be involved with some very intense cleaning out of mom's house.  We've been going pretty slowly so far and we need to up the pace and get it done so we can sell it ASAP.

The weather is cool and beautiful and I have a very, very good friend who will go with me so that I don't have to be alone.  I'm thankful.

This one is actually not quite done ... 

Playing around with painting a chevron pattern in the background.

It's crooked.  Oh well.

The scrap-ghan is going well.


  1. Sometimes hanging in there is all we can do. Peace to you and your family.

  2. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I'm so glad you had a friend to go with you to see the new facility. By the way, your art journal is incredible!
