Thursday, July 10, 2014

Kind of boring.

It's actually been a kind of boring couple of weeks in some ways.  We are not having summer adventures.  We haven't really been getting together with family as much as usual, I think.  I need to get my husband's family together before my oldest son goes back to school.  We got some of us together for Father's Day but we need to all get together and have one of our hilarious board game sessions.   Our pool is not up and we haven't been swimming.  We don't have a vacation planned, instead, we are going to pay to repair the vehicle of a stranger in another state ... anyway, money's kind of tight and we haven't been doing a whole lot.  For me, who was riding the up and down emotional roller coaster of middle age, this calm part is really kind of nice.  I think the kids are getting bored with it though.  Fortunately, we got together with our homeschool group family on Tuesday and planned some small adventures, some pedal boating, visiting a farm and some gym days.  Not much, but something to look forward to.  Some low key adventures.  It's nice to plan some things to look forward to after the year we have had.  I have also been doing a bit (okay, a lot) of art journaling and we have been doing some decluttering, trying to figure out a schedule of things that we like to do and things that we have to do on a regular basis, since all of our routines have gotten upset in this new normal, with my mom moving farther away, both my husband and I changing jobs, and everything else.

I did put my art journal pages up for sale, for 4 dollars each and several friends have bought some, which helped with my son's expenses going to Mississippi and court and all that.  They all say it is very pretty.  Of course I feel like they aren't all that good, but they have been well received and that's been kind of fun for me.  Who knows, if my son hadn't had the car accident, I might never have gotten the courage to sell them.

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