Monday, July 14, 2014

Fair time!

It's county fair time so I woke the kids up early (for them) and took them to the county fair grounds to register their 4H crafts for this year.  My son entered a walking stick and a terrarium and my daughter entered a quilted bag, a pencil case, the big knitted afgan and a couple of crocheted wash cloths.  Trying to get them to agree to enter things this year was like pulling teeth, I have no idea why.  They were just reluctant.  They seem to be going through a reluctant to do anything kind of mood, which is no fun for those of us who live with them.  On the way up there, in my son's tiny car because my suburban sounds like it's got a wheel bearing going out, we said something that was hilarious and I said I was going to blog about it, but of course, we all promptly forgot it upon arriving home.  Sigh.

Now I need to make an appointment to get the car fixed and let my brother know I can't visit my mom today because both of our working vehicles will be at work with the men until later.

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