Thursday, February 20, 2014

More read-aloud hilarity.

It might not seem funny to anyone else.  It was late.  We were tired and my daughter read "his voice was dripping with condescension"  but instead of condescension, she said condensation after which followed several minutes of laughing.  I did that thing where I just wheeze when I am laughing, which makes the kids laugh even more. 

Fun times.

In the interesting category, my son's new boss in Mississippi called here today thinking he was calling my son's cell phone and got me.  I said that he had called Kentucky and was talking to my son's mom and he complimented me on what a great person our son is.  That made this mama smile. 

In other, not-so-good news, my work now, after all the new training, working on the new system, is so, so not a success.  I don't really think there is anything I can do about it.  It is not my editing speed that is the problem.  The work is scarce, the jobs take a long time downloading and where I used to be able to request the next 100 jobs and wait and see if I got any, which meant I could do other things while that was requesting, I can only request 3 at a time now so I have to keep hitting the button requesting work.  Also, I used to could work in one system while trying to get work in the other therefore being as efficient as I could but now both are on the same program, just different sections and so I can't be in both at the same time, trying to get work.  Today I couldn't get much work at all, despite trying very hard all day long,  and what I did get took forever to download and so I ended up making less in all day long trying to work than I used to earn in one hour. 

I don't know what I am going to do.  It's obvious that sitting here trying to do this is a waste of time.  :-(

So that was today.

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