Friday, February 21, 2014

And even more homeschooling benefits.

There are so many homeschooling benefits, I couldn't possibly name them all.  The kids get more sleep.  They get time to exercise.  They get home cooked meals.  They get time to work on projects that they enjoy, which is good for brain function.  They score better on standardized tests.   We've all heard the statistics.   I won't go into all of the benefits, but if you want to read up on this, go visit Penelope Trunk's website.  She has done a lot of research.  You will find about how homeschooled kids are happier, leaner and score better on standardized tests and lots more.

This week I'm also thinking about benefits that our family's homeschooling has had on our extended family and community.  Because we've homeschooled, we have 3 smart, physically strong young people who are available to do things during the day.   My kids have helped my mom move twice lately, they've helped out at our church, they've helped my parents-in-law with tasks that they can't do themselves anymore, climbing on the roof of a shed to clean out a chimney (yes, my daughter is an experienced chimney sweep), fetching and carrying things up and down stairs and today, they are going to help install insulation in a greenhouse.   Yes, it's Friday and they likely have a lot of Algebra 2/Geometry to do, but we can extend that deadline to Sunday because homeschooling is flexible.  :-)


  1. For me, the best part is that you get to see the best parts of your kids as they grow and learn.


  2. For me, the best part is that you get to see the best parts of your kids as they grow and learn.

