Monday, January 27, 2014

We will call it ...

We have this cabinet in our house.  It is between the stove and the pantry.  It has an odd assortment of things in it, cookbooks, spices, seasonings, medicine, sometimes a mixer and/or a small food chopper, band-aids - you name it.  Anything can wind up there.  We used to have our microwave sitting on the counter below it, but 7 or 8 years ago we got a microwave cart and moved the microwave.  To this day though, I have continued to direct people to this cabinet by calling it the-cabinet-above-where-the-microwave-used-to-be.  The other day my youngest noted this and decided that since the microwave has been gone for quite some time, maybe we should rename this cabinet?  The cabinet next to the stove?  Nah, not specific enough.  I guess the cabinet next to the pantry would work, but we have decided to call it George.

1 comment:

  1. You will hug him, and pet him and stroke his little bill....

    I love it!
