Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Finally, we were able to go to the library.

We finished our read-aloud book either Thursday or Friday but couldn't go to the library (or in fact, go anywhere) Friday, Saturday or Sunday and Monday, we got the car (We're sharing one again. :-( ) after the library had closed.  By the time Monday got here we were stir crazy.  We would have gone anyplace, just to get out of the house.  We had a 4H meeting for a club that my son is not actually a member of, but he attended, just to go someplace.  Then we went to the grocery, another activity that my son would not usually voluntarily participate in, but he went and he enjoyed it, because it was out of the house.  I tell you that cabin fever is a real thing.  Whew.

So here's what everyone is reading.

My son:


My daughter:

Skullduggery Pleasant


An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth

And together at night we are reading the delightful:
A Heros Guide To Storming The Castle

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