Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I'm not sure.

I'm not sure how I feel about the assisted living facility thingy.  It seems like a nice place.  Actually, I might like living there myself.  No responsibilities.  Housekeeping.  Laundry.  Three meals a day.  I just don't know if my mom will adjust well to it.  That's the question.  If she is happy, I will be happy.  I guess.  I will still be losing the home I grew up in and we won't be able to have Christmas at her house and everything, but honestly, last Christmas was sad there anyway  Alzheimer's disease is brutal, there's no question about that.  So although what I really want is for mom to be well, she's not and my brother and I need to try and find the best option otherwise.  It really wasn't that bad going up there.  The people were nice and all of our questions were answered the way we would want them to be answered.  We can take her out whenever we want, she can have guests whenever she wants, etc.  My brother is going to take her up there Saturday and see what she thinks about it.  Also, the lady said that mom could stay temporarily without a contract and see how that goes.  It's difficult to know what to do.  I guess we'll just muddle through.

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