Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I finally got back into the doctor today and here's the story of why I have been feeling so, so bad.  I went to the doctor mid August and was found to have a urinary tract infection.   It was a very busy time, right around the state fair.  At some point, the doctor's office called me and I called them back and left a message, but then I forgot about it and they never called me back to my knowledge.  So anyway, the message was that they had done a culture and whatever the bacteria was, was resistant to the antibiotic that they gave me and so they called me in another one.  I had no idea about any of this,  and so I've been trying to carry on.  I've been very busy, but I have not felt well at all.  At this point, my standing/working tolerance is about 5 minutes because I am very weak.  So I went in today and the NP said that I still had an infection and asked about finishing my second prescription and that's when this story came out.  I didn't feel well enough to wait around for an hour at the pharmacy for my prescription, so I came home and my husband has gone back to get it for me.   I am hopeful that I will feel better tomorrow because my brother and I have an appointment at the assisted living facility.  :-(

I really want to lie down, but the phone would probably get me up.  I probably will have to wait until my husband gets back to get any rest, so he can field the phone calls.   One of the kids won't even answer the phone and the other one is questionable.  :-P

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