Friday, August 16, 2013


It's been kind of crazy-making busy around here.  I am kind of glad the kids haven't started back to homeschool and in another way, I wish they would because I miss their homeschool related chores being done.  My daughter has been working like crazy making things to sell at the state fair.  Next week is the state fair and we will be there 2 days, one day attending and the other day selling.  Also, my daughter starts her baby sitting job next week, my son leaves for college next week and we will be attending my mother-in-law's birthday and I am in charge of a hymn sing on Sunday night.  My son needs a haircut and needs to go to the dentist and wants to get contacts before he goes back to school.  He also needs to get his books and mail some things he has sold on Ebay.  I think mom's work camp and getting my gutters cleaned out is going to be postponed.  Again.  :-(.    I'm sending the boy to get as much of this done today as possible because our free days are really numbered, like, today and tomorrow and that's it.   I desperately need to work today and I'm out of work.  :-P.   

I paused in my typing to think and heard the song lyrics coming from the other room, 'everything, everything will be all right"  and hopefully it will. 

The good news is my son got an additional 2000 dollars in scholarship money and his roommate decided against moving off campus and so, hopefully things are falling into place.
I'm just tired.

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