Thursday, August 15, 2013

Choosing to Homeschool.

Here is a really great article on homeschooling to read this morning.  Really, it's one of the best things our family has ever done.    This article is by Laura Grace Weldon and it is certainly worth a thoughtful read.  Here's a link.
 and a quote:

"What homeschoolers are doing is working, no matter how we define success. One study shows that homeschooling students graduated from college at a higher rate and earned a higher grade point average while doing it. Another researcher who followed homeschool students noted that they’re more likely to vote, volunteer, and start their own businesses.

I want to nurture my children in such a way that they define success on their own terms. I hope that means they craft a life based on integrity, one that brings their unique gifts to the world. Homeschooling, for my family, gives us the freedom to go beyond narrow roads to success. This is the way young people have learned throughout time. I’ve come to trust the way it works for my family."

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