Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Kind of a field trip.

I guess it was really just an outing, because it really wasn't educational, but our homeschool group (love them) went to a pizza buffet/game room that was having a 'buy 1 5 dollar game card, get the buffet for free" and the kids played and talked and the moms talked.  It was really great, as usual.  One of our moms is moving to another state, but fortunately, not too far away.  She'll be 2 hours drive from us and we can meet in the middle pretty often, which we plan to do. 

After the pizza place, we went to Hobby Lobby to get some yarn, of course.  My oldest son bought a sketchpad and was going to buy some drawing pencils, but his sister said he could have hers because she didn't like them and he was going to get an eraser (some special kind), but my youngest son said that he could use his, so he saved some money.  It was kind of funny. 

It was a long, long day though.  I got home and realized that I had forgotten to buy Prilosec and toilet paper, so back to town I went and while I was going, I stopped by the library ... I got home well after 8:00 p.m. and still had 2 hours of medical transcription to do.  Joy.

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