Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day.

The sermon in church predictably made me cry yesterday.  It's my fourth father's day without my dad, but that's not the only thing about it that made me feel sad.   :-(  Long story, I guess.  Anyway, we had a pretty good day after that.  My husband didn't get much recognition though he is a good dad.  It was more of a day for his dad, I suppose.  We had a party with his family last night.  It was a lot of fun.  We played Telestrations and Rollick and the kids played a game about trains that I can't remember the name of, Twister (which was pretty hilarious), Jenga and some other games.  It was fun.  We took cupcakes to celebrate my son's 15th birthday, which I feel like we've barely recognized so far.  Hopefully, we will get to take him out to eat sometime.  That's pretty much the only time we go out to eat as a family, birthdays, but I'm not sure when we are going to be able to fit it in.  We had a very busy planning meeting with the homeschool group last week and as a result, we have an outing with them tomorrow.  I'm going to see how much enthusiasm the kids have for it and decide whether to go based on that.

Also, I did not get in the pool and exercise all weekend.  No excuse. (Well, one night I was about to finish a very good book!)  I just didn't.  :-P


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