Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Introducing the Summer Challenge Series.

I'm going to challenge my readers to do some fun things with your families this summer.  Today's challenge is to play at least one game with your family.  Last night our family dug out the board games and had a family game night.  When we do a family game night, we play 5 games and each person gets to choose one.  I chose Telestrations (which is much more fun with the random timer we took out of another game Last Word), the girl choose Mille Bornes, Dad chose Fact or Crap young son chose Settlers of Catan and the oldest son chose Fluxx.  It was a fun time.

If you don't have a board game collection like we do (most of them came from Goodwill), play a card game.  Spoons is always a bunch of fun.  Hide and Seek?  Go out to the pool and play Marco Polo.  If you can't get out of the car, play 20 questions or the ABC game.

Have fun!

Comment if you joined us in this challenge and I'll have another one for tomorrow. 

Ps:  It's not difficult to comment on this blog.  You don't have to prove that you are not a robot.  If your comment goes to the spam folder, I'll fish it out for you.  :-)

Hint.  Hint.

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