Monday, June 24, 2013

Calvin and Hobbes.

This afternoon we went to the library, the boys and I.  My youngest turned in about 21 books and got out another 20.  He's really good for their circulation numbers.  Anyway, a lot of the books he took out were Calvin and Hobbes comic books.  He's read them all, but he's reading them again.  He read this cartoon, description below, I couldn't find the image for it.

This strip was originally published in the newspapers on March 26, 1989.
Mom opens the bedroom door and tells him to get out of bed, he's going to miss the bus. He stands at the blackboard doing a math problem. Miss Wormwood tells him to sit down if he doesn't know the answer. Moe holds him up by his shirt, clenches his fist, and asks Calvin if he wants to see if there's an afterlife. As Calvin tries to go out his bedroom window, he's told he can't go out to play until his homework is done. Calvin stirs his dinner, and Dad tells him just to eat it and not to play with it. Mom tells him to quit stalling and to take his bath. Dad turns off the TV and tells him he can't stay up later and to go to bed. Mom comes in after Calvin climbs in bed. She kisses his forehead and tells Calvin to get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow's another big day. After the light is turned out, Calvin sighs. 

Youngest son said to me, "You know, I've just realized I really don't have any of the problems that Calvin has."  I told him he had it made.  He said "I do have screen time limits, but that's a good thing because it makes me do things like read this book."

It's cool when they get it.  It's also cool that he appreciates being homeschooled and appreciates not having to rush for the bus, do crazy amounts of homework, etc. 


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