Thursday, May 30, 2013

Today we clean?

We keep saying that and honestly, we have not gotten as much done as it may seem like on the blog.  After the kids got their own rooms clean, things seem to have stalled.  I think we were just lazy Monday  (I can't remember) and then Tuesday we had that big field trip.  Yesterday, my work was only slowly trickling in so I was working off and on until 10:00 p.m. last night and during the middle of the day had a ferocious headache and needed to lie down for a little while.  I thought the kids were cleaning because they had asked for 'clean and screen' time, but it turns out, they only had time for the screen time (watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and no time for cleaning.  Grrr.  That brings us to last night when both of them were still up at 3:00 a.m. reading and and this morning they are  not going to want to get up at a decent hour.  So while last week I was overjoyed with their cleaning, this week I am annoyed with them and today they are going to have to do makeup cleaning to make up (so to speak :-) ) for yesterday's slacking.  We need to get this done!   I've made a deal with myself that I will not swim until the cleaning is done and the pool is beckoning ...

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