Friday, May 31, 2013

Okay, a little.

The kids got a little cleaning done.  I was useless on that front because my mom lost her purse and a lot of my day was taken up looking for it and going and getting replacement keys and finally mom's caregiver found it, but then I had to have some time for myself to work through some sadness that I have over my mom's Alzheimer's.  I wish I was one of those people who clean when I am upset, but I am not.  After that, I decided to go do my volunteering, which was a difficult decision because I really feel that I probably should have gone to see mom again because she's been feeling lonely.  However, going to mom's drains me and going to the hospital refreshes and renews me so I chose to put the oxygen mask on my own face first, renew my spirit a little and I'll go see mom today. Meanwhile, I'm going to see if Medicare will pay for her to have more services. 

We still haven't heard from the oldest.  That is seriously stressing me out.  His phone goes to voice mail.

I'm trying to work and not think, but obviously, not having too much luck. 

Now I just got a call that my mom's purse is "lost" again.  Mom's apparently hiding it to keep it from thieves or something and then not being able to find it.

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