Friday, May 24, 2013

I wish

I wish I had one of those memes or whatever it is, that had a different subject for me to post on each day of the week, for example one blog features a different one of her children on Friday and another posts pictures of kid built forts on Friday.  I've got nothing.

I've been working and the daughter has been cleaning her room and the youngest son has had the day pretty much off from cleaning.  My daughter is off from official cleaning today but just wants to clean her room.

She doesn't take after either one of her parents.


We still haven't heard a word from the boy in Peru.  I guess we won't until he gets back to Mississippi and starts his drive home.  

I haven't got as much of the cleaning done as I had planned to, but am planning to get it done.  I'll do a lot on Sunday.

 Last night I volunteered.  The nurses are getting used to me now and trusting me more.  We've got one baby there who is 2 1/2 months old now and getting big and he doesn't want to sleep all the time like most of the other ones do and he seems to never have any visitors ( :-(  ) , so the volunteers spend a lot of time playing with him, pushing him around in a stroller, and just holding him and talking to him.  Last night, I finished what I was doing and walked out into the common areal.  One of the nurses said, 'Hey, we've still got a volunteer here!" and they handed me the little guy with this message.  "He needs a new shirt.  He needs a new blanket and he's got a dirty diaper." and they trusted me to take him and get a blanket, get a shirt and change him.  That was something that I found a little difficult when I first started, that someone was always watching (as they should) to make sure I was doing things correctly and now they know that I am.  It feels good, like I'm part of the team.  :-)

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