Sunday, May 26, 2013

Did you ever?

Did you ever feel like you were at the right place at the right time when you didn't really mean to be there.  I felt like God used me yesterday.  My mom called and asked me to get her a cake to take to a family reunion she's going to today and since I have her car on near permanent loan right now, I couldn't say no.  Our family needed cheese (emergency!) and I needed to get sign making materials at Lowe's.   So I went to Lowe's first.  I went in, got my sign, came out and walked confidently though mistakenly to the right in search of mom's car, even though I had parked to the left of the exit and really I knew that.  (I almost always note carefully where I park).  Anyway, as I was walking in the wrong direction I heard someone call my name.  It was a very dear friend who is going through some awful stuff lately and she needed to talk and there I was, ready to listen.  :-)

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