Tuesday, April 02, 2013

The April fool's day report.

If you all have read this blog for a while, you'll know we enjoy April fool's day.  I get up earlier than the kids, so it's not difficult to get some jokes done before they get up.  I put Jello in the Kool-aid pitcher, tiny balloons in a few shoes, switched all the cereal bags in the open cereal boxes (we have 3 open right now) and put an autocorrect on the computer they use for school work that types the word "April" every time they try to type the word "the".  Some of these have not been discovered yet.  One shoe balloon was found, but no one commented on the other ones, and I don't want to ask.  I did ask my son last night if he'd found the Kool-aid one and he said "what?" and I said "nevermind.", but they did math and other things for school yesterday and didn't do any of the things they need Microsoft Word for, so that autocorrect one will get to surprise them on another day.

My son did the biggest unintentional April fool's joke of all on both his parents yesterday at about 4:00 a.m.  My husband woke up to go to work and before leaving, looked at my son's bunk.  It was empty.  So he checked the couch and the other bedrooms, all other possible sleeping places.  Then (lucky for him) he remembered to look in the top bunk and saw my son sleeping up there.  Apparently, there had been a couple of spiders near the lower bunk.  I don't blame him for moving.  Then, after my husband had left for work, I got up to go to the bathroom, noticed the empty bunk, looked in exactly the same places, but did not consider the upper bunk, because I figured he had it full of legos or something, so I actually went outside and yelled for him, before coming back in and hearing him breathing in the upper bunk.  Normally, I wouldn't have done any of this, but our son had left a light on in his lower bunk, kind of highlighting that he wasn't in it.  My normal routine is to stumble to the bathroom without really looking at anything. 

After work, we had a 4H needlework club meeting and a 4H performing arts club meeting.  At the needlework meeting they were doing community service, making fleece blankets to donate for babies at a local hospital and next month they are going to learn both knitting and crocheting and my daughter is going to teach both!  She's come a long way with her shyness and 4H has a lot to do with that.   It's pretty cool.
We've had a ton of fun with these balloons!

1 comment:

  1. I like the auto correct one and my use that myself someday. LOL!
