Wednesday, April 03, 2013

I can't think of anything.

There have been a couple of events around here this week that I have considered blogworthy, but when I sit down to type I can't think of them.   Sometimes it is very frustrating being me.  I'm getting my work done, but not much else.  :-(

The girl is attacking her schoolwork today in earnest, after spending a couple of days only doing the minimum and spending the rest of her time reading an amusing book and trying to train the puppy.  The boy got up Monday and blitzed a bunch of his school work so that he could then take several days doing the minimum and spend the majority of his time outside and then blitz the rest of it on Friday night late (probably).  They get it done though although they deal with motivational issues because we have given control over to them.  I wonder, since they've been handed this kind of responsibility pretty young, if, when they get to my age, they;ll be better at pacing themselves than I have been.  It took me quite a while doing my current job, to learn not to procrastinate about it and then work like crazy right at the end of the pay period. 

The weather is so beautiful here.  I really don't want to be inside working so I envy them their flexibility.  

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