Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Trying to squeeze it in.

Today was one of those days where we try to squish school and work into as small a time slot as possible in order to go do other things.  Actually a lot of days seem to be like that.  Anyway, today we girls went thrift store shopping and salvage grocery shopping and the boy went to hang out with some other boys and play video games.  It was fun for all, I think.  I know it relaxes me just to get away from real life for a little while and think about bargains.  I got a donut pan to use to make some gluten free donuts, a bunch of extreme bargains at the salvage grocery and a few other things.  Mostly, it's just fun talking and laughing with the other mom and her daughter.  We went to our new favorite restaurant, Moe's and had some wonderful nachos with everything but the kitchen sink on them.  We went to Micheal's crafts and got a pretty good sale on some yarn.

Now we are going to spend the evening relaxing and watching our latest Netflix find, The Mary Tyler Moore show.  

Good times.

In other news this week, we finally got to talk to our busy, busy college student.  He's doing fine.  He has joined a band and he's taking 3 classes.  He's still getting As and Bs.  The car there in Mississippi is still not running and the car here is still not running, so I'm kind of starting to doubt we'll ever see him again, having now missed 2 opportunities, trimester break and spring break.  Maybe he will get to come home for the summer?  

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