Friday, March 29, 2013

It's Friday Again. Can you all believe it?

The weeks just go by so quickly, I think I might be getting whiplash.  At this rate, it will be summertime before I know it.  Meanwhile, we're hanging in there, not taking spring break because we want to take breaks when the oldest is home and we took a couple extra weeks in January.  We're also doing a little prom planning.  We are going to try and borrow a dress and do her hair and makeup at home.   If I do either the hair or makeup I'll need to practice before the big day.  

Yesterday was a long but good day.  I got a lot of housework done and then went for my volunteer night at the Children's Hospital.  Some nights when I go there, I feel like a super hero because I can help the babies so much, calming each one down, moving from one to another and helping with their stress levels, but last night I spent almost the whole time holding a beautiful, precious baby who was, at 1 month old, struggling with her drug addiction that it really made me sad.  At one point though, the little sweetie gave me a very good, eye contact, awake, smile and that made it all worthwhile. 

On the way home, my eye started hurting and when I got home, I had a swelling at the inside corner of my eye that was very painful.  I took some Tylenol and Benadryl and applied some warm compresses to it and it is better this morning, though still there a little bit.  I hope this resolves, because I really, really can't think of a way to squeeze going to the doctor in this weekend.

Since this post (and most other ones if the truth be told) does not contain any references to homeschooling or any good homeschooling advice, I'd like to direct your attention back a bit to a day when I did have some (very good in my own opinion) homeschooling advice.  :-)

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