Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday, March 14.

No work today.  Thankfully.  I also took off yesterday because I've been feeling just plain awful.  It hurts to turn over in bed.  It feels like my entire body is sprained and when I move, I make involuntary moans, groans, indrawn breaths, etc.  My son told me that this is amusing, my noises, not my pain.  I'm glad someone is enjoying it because I've had about all I can take.   I went to the doctor yesterday and so far the only report that I have is anemia and vitamin D deficiency.   Soon, I will hear about all the autoimmune diseases, whether I have any of those.  They run in my family.  This week seems to be a week for going to the doctor.  My son has a cold and did not do much of his schoolwork.  My daughter went in for her well child check.  She's now taller than me, officially, by an inch.  Her cholesterol is pretty much nonexistent, her weight is good and the scoliosis has straightened out.  All good.   Just by being there in the doctor's office, she will probably get a cold.  She did last time we were there.  They got a new computer system and it took us half an hour to get registered.  I sat there and thought 'I've been coming here for 17 years.  Just about the time you all get our computer file done, we'll be gone...because we won't need a pediatrician anymore."  Our wonderful pediatrician inadvertently made me sad today, asking me about my apparently impossible dream of adopting some more kids which seems destined not to come true.  Anyway, I came home and found out that we had adopted a puppy while I was gone.  That's really not what I had in mind.   Also, I had to miss my volunteering tonight because of the fact that all my joints are sore.  So.  Crabby.

Also, because of the cold, the doctor's visit and the puppy, school work is being done as I type this at 10:00 p.m.  Good thing we can flex.

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