Friday, March 15, 2013

Rushing to get school work done.

The kids are trying to get done so we can go see grandma for a little while before she goes to bed.  My son is in the shower (because personal hygeine and chores long ago became part of our school lists) and my daughter is practicing piano.  The songs I have heard her playing have been are Angels From the Realms of Glory and Joy to the World.  Yes, it's been THAT long since we have had a car and been able to go to piano lessons.   Oh great, now she's playing the chipmunk song about the hula hoop.   Oh how I hope that one doesn't get stuck in my head!!


  1. I have a music CD that I play for kids while we are doing table play. One of the songs is Peanut sitting on a track, squish peanut butter. One little gal loves that song and sings it as loud as she can. Great, just writing about it, it will be in my head the rest of the day. My name is Rose. I am new to your blog.

  2. Oh, boy, I think that song might be worse!

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