Monday, February 11, 2013

How to homeschool.

First of all there's no 'right' way.  There is only the way that works for your family.  It might take a couple of years to find what curriculum or method you want to use and then it might work for a while, then stop working as your needs change.  It might work quite well for one child and not for the siblings.  When we first started, we had pretty much no money at all, so free things from the internet and library were what we used. Then we ordered some of the Konos books because unit studies sounded great to me and I could teach all 3 kids at the same time with only different, individualized English and math.  It was fun and I have treasured memories and a few photos of our Konos years, but the kids don't remember much about it.  Then we went through some periods of time where we were a little bit more structured with things.  I was still trying to combine a lot of the things we'd do and I set up a system where we all met at the kitchen table and did at least one activity together - for a while it was The Story of the World history and then we'd do notebooking and then the oldest would go to his room and do his workbooks while the younger 2 and I would do math and then the next oldest would go work on her workbooks and I'd finish up with the youngest who wasn't able to do much on his own at all.  (When we started homeschooling, he was in first grade and did not read.)    Then , he did learn to read and everyone became pretty independent with their school work.  We're at the point now with one in college (making good grades too!)  and the other 2 at home, I just give them a list and some books and they figure out what order to do things in and get it done.  They have it all written on sticky notes all over the wall and then throughout the week, as they get subjects done, their sticky notes all migrate to a piece of paper to show that they are done.  It works very well. 

Also, there's a very good article on The Common Room today about giving the state what it needs and nothing more.  Our state requires a letter of intent, attendance records and teaching subjects similar to the public schools.  "This is interpreted to at least include reading, writing, spelling, grammar, history, mathematics and civics

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