Wednesday, February 13, 2013

4H Electricity Club.

We went to our local electric company for the 4H electricity class.  Three-fourths of the kids in there were home-schooled.  There was only 1 girl.  My 14 year old wanted me to stay with him just in case.   I'm not sure in case of what, maybe he'd be called upon to write, or the class would be totally boring/lame etc.  I brought a lot of reading material and stayed but I didn't use any of it.  The class was interesting.  They taught about safety around power lines.  They had a little mini-town built with power lines running through it and a tiny truck had hit a tiny power pole and knocked the lines down and then a tiny woman touched the truck and then her tiny little friend tried to pull her to safety.  Everyone was electrocuted.  Then he talked about what to do to be safe in that situation.  Then, just for fun, they showed how a tree would burn if it touched both of the power lines at the same time and then cooked a hotdog on the little power lines.  This was all done while wearing safety equipment and talking about how to keep safe. 

At the end of the class, the 4H coordinator mentioned that the kids needed to sell a case of candy to help pay for expenses for the club and the director of the electric company, came up, bought the whole case with cash and passed the already paid for bars out to the kids and employees there.  How cool was that?  Then, we went to the grocery and bought fried chicken with the coupon on the back of the candy bar, which was buy one dinner for 6.79, get one free, so it's a pretty decent coupon. 

4H is great for homeschoolers for many reasons.  It offers socialization, education, fun and it's all free.  Plus it gets the kids out there.  We're on a first name basis with everyone there at the office and if some kind of thing came up saying we weren't homeschooling our kids properly, educational neglect, etc., we've got people who see my kids once a week, see that they are being educated and taken care of.  With all the accusations of homeschooling being a cover for child abuse that you see in the news, this is important.

Here are some pictures of 4H past.
County fair entries with accompanying ribbons.

Birdhouse made in woodworking class.

Fair entries, homing pigeons we got to hold and let fly (cool), a chameleon and a baby pigeon (all the last 3 are from the small pets club meetings)

Halloween Mod Podge in hour homeschool 4H group.

March project to get ready for April fools.

Terrerium with fairy chair top left for entry in the fair.

Crochet mat for homeless made out of old grocery bags, for the Needleworking club.

My youngest's poster for the 4H poster contest.

Needlework club scrapbook.

Fair entries, again.

Paint chip mosaic.

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